Saturday, April 08, 2006

my online home, and suicide seeds will be the death of somebody... or something...

Well, I've finally put up my website. I should have done it at least a week ago, becuase I've received a number of hits since the online portfolio show (see previous message) hit the net and all my visitors had to greet them was a "coming soon" template. Ah, well. It's up, now, and you can visit me online at

Now about those suicide seeds. Genetically modified seeds that produce sterile offspring. A ploy to get farmers to buy brand new seeds every year, instead of using what they can produce themselves. A threat to sustainable agriculture, these seeds drive up production costs and make the whole industry even less profitable, except for the people who stand to make millions selling these seeds while farmers go belly-up.

These seeds are banned in India and Brazil, two countries with a huge reliance on agriculture. Australia and New Zealand are backing calls for testing the seeds, and now Ottawa is jumping on that bandwagon after previously working with other UN countriesto impose a moratorium on the use of the seeds. Ahh, flip-floppin' politics. Oh, and did I mention that the U.S. government is a co-owner of this terminator technology?


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