Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Insomniac poet

I enjoy writing poetry. I think I lack the spark of a true poet, or perhaps it's the inclination or the dedicaton that I lack. Could even be some combination of all three. Anyway, here's my favourite love poem that I wrote, about falling in love. In case you wonder, no, I didn't write it with anyone in mind.

Catch Me

Catch me should I fall,
hold me strong,
shh -
in silence.
Press your lips to my

cradle of bliss.
To sweetly
But no!

I won't fall, I will
Merely -
whisper words of
Catch me.

My friend Amanda has dedicated her blog, Firefly Wordplay, to poetry. She has some of her own poems posted there, other people's poems, and links to other poets' websites and literary websites. I recommend checking it out if you would like to enjoy some really good poetry, or laugh at some really horrendous poetry. Let me add that Amanda's falls into the former category.

Did I mention I have insomnia? I've had it for nearly a full week. It really takes it's tole on a body, not being able to fall asleep until 3am every night but still having to get up at a decent hour and function the next day. Sometimes, insomnia can set the mood for poetic inspiration, but not when the insomnia lasts for extended periods of time.

With that said, my next several entries will focus on taking a good look at some websites. I had to create this blog for an assignment in a class called "Writing for the Web" in the Print Futures program at Douglas College. Therefore, I must fulfill certain requirments, such as analyzing websites.

Well, it's nearly 3am. Time to get myself ready for bed - for the second time tonight.


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